Practicum Placements and Employment
We have supported practicum placements for the following educational programs
Mental Health and Addiction Support Worker
Child and Youth Care Worker
Bachelor's of Counselling or Social Work
Bachelor's of Human Services
Master's in Counseling Psychology
Residents in Recovery prides itself is the provision of a quality practicum experience for it's learners. Residents in Recovery offers a front-line experience working with individuals that struggle with mental health and addiction disorders. Regardless of educational program, Residents in Recovery offers a unique experience with a wide array of opportunities, from group work to childcare. The staff at Residents in Recovery have years of lived and professional experience that promotes a positive practicum experience.
If you are interested in exploring your practicum options with Residents in Recovery, please contact our Operations Manager at or click on the link to the left.
Residents in Recovery has the following job openings at this time.
Full-time and Casual Client Support Workers
Night Shift Client Support Worker
Family Mentor
Level 3 Childcare Worker
Residents in Recovery has grown significantly in the past couple years. This expansion has focused primarily on our Family Programs, including the Family Healing Center and Family Sober Living. Residents in Recovery offers a completive wage and an excellent benefit package for employees working 30 hours or more a week. This package includes medical, dental, vision and other services.
If you are interested in applying for a position with Residents in Recovery, please forward your resume to or click on the link to the left.
The following is a description of the minimum requirements for each position.

Addiction Counselor and Facilitator
This position requires the completion of a degree in Psychology, Social Work, Addiction Studies or related field. This position requires an Addiction Counseling Certification. Equivalent experience may be considered in special circumstances. Experience facilitating large groups is a must. Familiarity with Seeking Safety, Mindfulness-based Sobriety, CBT and Anger Management are preferred.

Level 3 Early Childhood Educator
This position requires the completion of Early Childcare Educator level 3 and a minimum of 2 years’ experience. If applicable, this position requires a minimum of 4-years continuous sobriety. Residents in Recovery is in the process of becoming licensed so those with experience in this area will be given preference.

Level 1/2 Early Childhood Educator
This position requires the completion of Early Childcare Educator level 1 or 2 and a minimum of 1 year experience. If applicable, this position requires a minimum of 2-years continuous sobriety. Residents in Recovery is in the process of becoming licensed so those with experience in this area will be given preference.

Client Support Worker
Night Shift
This position requires the completion of a diploma in Addiction and Community Support Worker, Family Services, or other related education, and/or a minimum of 2 years’ experience in a similar field. Applicant must be available to work night shift, 11 PM - 7 AM on a rotating schedule 3 days on and 5 days off. Other shifts are available. Shift differential is applicable.
This position is in a women's treatment home so all applicants must be female. Applicants must be comfortable with newborns, infants and toddlers. Applicants must have a valid drivers license. If applicable, this position requires a minimum of 2-years continuous sobriety.

Client Support Worker
Part-time Weekends
This position requires the completion of a diploma in Addiction and Community Support Worker, Family Services, or other related education, and/or a minimum of 2 years’ experience in a similar field. Applicant must be available to work various weekend shifts (day and evening).
This position is in a women's treatment home so all applicants must be female. Applicants must be comfortable with newborns, infants and toddlers. Applicants must have a valid drivers license. If applicable, this position requires a minimum of 2-years continuous sobriety.

Client Support Worker
This position requires the completion of a diploma in Addiction and Community Support Worker, Family Services, or other related education, and/or a minimum of 2 years’ experience in a similar field. Applicant should be available to work various shifts (day, evening and night).
This position is in a women's treatment home so all applicants must be female. Applicants must be comfortable with newborns, infants and toddlers. Applicants must have a valid drivers license. If applicable, this position requires a minimum of 2-years continuous sobriety.