Providing a continuum of care for addiction recovery.
Residents in Recovery champions individuals and their families, marginalized by mental health and addiction issues, by providing judgement-free access to a safe and supportive therapeutic recovery environment.
We envision a community where individuals are inspired and empowered to embark on a journey of hope, healing and self-discovery.
Compassion| Integrity | Authenticity | Inclusivity | Connection | Resiliency
Residents in Recovery Society opened it's doors on September 4th, 2018. Our first male combined pre and post-treatment sober living home opened on September 7th, 2018. In the spring of 2019, we added a second male and the first female combined pre and post-treatment sober living homes. In the spring of 2020 we added a male post-treatment sober living home for men that are returning to work during COVID, which eventually was transitioned into a second female sober living home. In July of 2020 we began to utilize a suite in the women's home for a client looking to be reunified with her child. In July of 2021 we added a five-plex, supporting single mothers seeking additional support through a post-treatment sober living program with their child(ren). In August of 2021 we took over the group home previously known as Harris House and began to support women that are in their third trimester of pregnancy or who have just given birth to a child, where the child is at risk of apprehension due to drug use by the mother.
As of August 2020, we had a sober living capacity of 25 single adults. (19 males and 5 females), 5 single-parent families, 5 mothers with a newborn baby and 2 mothers in their third trimester. By the spring of 2022, this number had grown to 24 single adults (12 males and 12 females), 8 single-parent families and 9 mothers with up to 3 children each in the Family Healing Center. As of July 2022, there were 38 children, ages newborn to 15 years old in our various programs who are all supported through an infant care facility and a child educational program at the former Greyhound bus depot.
Residents in Recovery Society's program is quite revolutionary in terms of it's focus and delivery. It is a transformational shift from the traditional recovery models so prevalent still in our society. With very little support in their evidence based model, Residents in Recovery has had to provide services in their community with the support of generous donors and a lot of grant writing. It is only in the last couple years that governments have begin to shift their recovery models to that which has been offered to Lloydminster residents since 2018.
Both the Alberta and Saskatchewan governments are working on a shift to a recovery oriented system of care for addiction and mental health. This model shifts from the acute recovery model, typical inpatient treatment stays of 19 to 42 days, to a long-term model, such as the Residents in Recovery program. All Residents in Recovery programs are trauma-informed with the basic expectation that all of our clients have experienced some level of trauma. Our program is also culturally competent and inclusive, as we draw on the expertise of our staff that fall into these cross-cultural demographics, such as our Elder, counselling staff and case workers. Residents in Recovery works with participants from a perspective of strengths, empowering individuals to regain control of their life and build on what they do well.
Many of the individuals in our program are engaged in our residential services for six months to a year. Clients stabilize in a pre-treatment sober living recovery program for a few months before treatment, and can return and stay up to 12 months after an in-patient residential treatment program. With information on over 400 residential bed stays, the outcome data is astounding. For those in the sober living program and residential treatment for 6 months or less, nearly 80% eventually slip or relapse. For those that remain in sober living and residential treatment for one year or longer. only 15% have a slip or relapse. It is important to keep in mind that our clients are generally highly traumatized, over 60% are methamphetamine addicts, have co-occurring disorders and over half with intergenerational trauma. Residents in Recovery has been very successful in getting individuals to treatment through the pre-treatment sober living program. However, the key to long-term abstinence seems to be a return to a post-treatment program that supports some trauma work, rebuilding family connection, reconnecting with culture and spirituality and a supported reintegration back into society.
Individuals are afforded the right to choose their own path to recovery and have it look the that works for them. Abstinence is not the only option that is offered or available. Programs such as the Residents in Recovery virtual outpatient option, allows individuals to be active in their addiction, while still attending day programing. Through this recovery path, individuals can develop coping skills and gain a better understanding of themselves and addiction. Residents in Recovery remains an active participant in the community distribution take-home-naloxone kits and other harm reduction initiatives. Meeting clients where they are at is the cornerstone of the the Residents in Recovery vision.
Taking an integrated approach to care allows all those involved to have a better understanding of the individual's needs and ensures that every person gets the highest level of care, from those that are best able to provide that care. Introductions, supported meetings, engagement and advocacy go a long way in building trust in a system that has let many of those with mental health and addiction issues down. Individuals are able to learn and grow in their recovery and should not be judged or shamed for mistakes. Many of those in the residential programs at Residents in Recovery are on their second, third or even forth attempt. Learning from each time, knowing that they will always be welcomed back when they are ready. Delivering recovery programs in this way has been proving itself with positive outcomes since 2018 at Residents in Recovery. The number of multi-year continuously abstinent clients continues to grow, with some of these clients with multiple years of clean time, even working for Residents in Recovery today.
Residents in Recovery Society is led by an Executive Director and Clinical Director with over 50 years of combined lived experience. Tyler Lorenz, Executive Director, had a vision to create a program that eliminated all the barriers to recovery that he faced in his journey. Serena Campbell-Barnes, Clinical Director, had a vision to support mothers and families through their journey, drawing on her own personal experience with addiction and family. Both are guided by a dedicated and diverse Board of Directors that supports this vision of the organization. You can follow a bit of Tyler's story in the video below.